M&M Island Cruises -
Website Design

WordPress Website
New Hampshire,
United States

Project Overview

M&M Island Cruises is a family owned business based in New Hampshire, United States. They offer party boat tours on Lake Winnipesaukee for anyone seeking to party in style. The company wanted to expand their marketing efforts and brand awareness by creating a website that focuses on conversions and retention. They also desired having a landing page designed to further boost their engagement and conversions on their google ads campaigns. 

Key Activities


Conducting discovery sessions with 5+ stakeholders.


Understanding the needs of users and goals of the business.


Conducting user research and interviews.


Creating a clear and concise website architecture to support both business and user goals.


Applying and expanding on the companies new brand guidelines.


Moving designs from lo-fi wireframes into refined responsive designs.


Creating prototypes and slide decks to further influence stakeholders into accepting the designs.


Overseeing the A/B testing of the designs before pushing them to final production.

Research Summary

For this project I conducted interviews with 10 different participants online, while also utilizing the stakeholders discovery calls to help me accurately gauge what was needed within this build. The participants ranged in age from 22-50 years old and stakeholders from 34-48 years old. With the information I gathered, I created a user persona to better align the pain points from both users and stakeholders. I also designed a flow chart to ensure the structure of the website will always remain impactful. 

Stakeholder interview Insights

  • M&M’s primary target audience are town locals who are looking to enjoy the attraction of “Lake Winnipesaukee”. 
  • M&M has a high number of repeat customers 
  • M&M’s customers love the experience that the crew is able to provide to them on the lake, especially the highlight “Captain Kevin”
  • M&M is extremely family orientated and a portion of proceeds are donated to a fund to provide a boy or a girl a chance to acquire a diabetic dog.

Competitive Analysis

  • Strong compelling content will lead itself to developing an engaging experience
  • Personalized imagery increases brand credibility and trust among users
  • Allowing redirect to third party website for payment/reservation confirmation will lead to distrust 

Most notable questions

Through interviewing the participants and holding discovery calls with the stakeholders. I was able to grasp a considerable amount of information about New Hampshires local lifestyle, and the needs of users. This project was geared towards creating an impactful digital product for its’ local users rather than global. So, it was imperative that I was able to completely empathize with their target audience as this was going to be a niche project. 

Detailing the potential users

Based on the information gathered from the interviews and discovery calls. I was able to organize the notes and configure 4 personas that match considerably towards the users. This will allow for a more fluid and comprehensive design for both business and users needs. 

Project Goals & Challenges


Tailor the content and copy to be impactful towards users while remaining cohesive with business goals.

A user-centric approach needs to be seamlessly integrated into the business goals and outcomes for the digital product. The content should not only captivate users but also guide them towards desired actions that ultimately contribute to the company’s success. Generating a cohesive and potent digital presence that benefits both users and the business alike.


Emphasizing on their "family orientation" as this is part of the brands identity.

By highlighting their family-oriented approach, the brand not only establishes a clear and relatable identity but also resonates deeply with its target audience. This identity is woven into every aspect of their offerings, from product design to customer interactions. Through this emphasis, the brand doesn’t just sell their services; it offers a sense of belonging and togetherness.


Iterating a functional and easy to use booking system that requires little effort for users.

By streamlining the booking process and focusing on intuitive design, the aim is to create a system that is both efficient and effortless. This involves careful consideration of user journeys, clear prompts, and simplified steps, all geared towards reducing friction and eliminating unnecessary complexities.

Building a solution

In order to gain confidence among stakeholders, I developed a flow chart that outlined the overall structure of the website. This flow chart visually outlined the user journey as they navigate through the site. Additionally, I incorporated a low-fidelity wireframe that provided a basic framework for the web pages. This enabled stakeholders to review and assess the initial version of the end product, gaining insight into my design methodology.

Nested Boat Cruise Tabs

For enhanced ease of navigation and improved user engagement, the inclusion of nested tabs on the homepage emerged as the most valuable addition.

The nested tabs swiftly guides users to discover the array of boat tours provided by M&M, while also offering convenient access to other available tour options.

Within each nested tab is an image slideshow showcasing all the joy previous customers have had with the company.

Under hicks law, the nested tabs element further decreases friction for users by immediately placing their desired results in front of them. Diminishing cognitive load by not forcing users to select the “boat tours” menu option. 

Reservation Form

The reservation form was placed as a pop-up once users selected the “reserve your cruise” button. This was chosen to reduce the friction of users being redirected to another window or being redirected to a 3rd party app that could potentially reduce the credibility of the company with users. 

The reservation forms design was meant to encourage users to make as little decisions as possible. With only having to input basic contact information along with the date and time of their desired cruise. At the bottom is a chance for users to verify that the information inputted is corrected by viewing the details of their reservation.

Emphasizing the brands voice

By effectively amplifying the brand’s voice digitally, M&M island cruise was able to stand out in a crowded online space. Upon launch in May, M&M island cruises was able to fully reserve their summer tours. 

Building for M&M was an absolute pleasure as I was able to expand their voice and tone digitally to promote their cause. Through aesthetic designs and compelling copy, users were able to connect with the company and help a diabetic child in need.

With many testimonials featuring Captain Kevins hospitality, it was only fitting to place him on the website so users may connect with their future captain. Allowing this connection further increases trust with the company. 

Color Style

M&M Light Orange

M&M Blue

M&M Orange


Montserrat A/reg

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn

Button Style

Default State 

Pressed State